Pazar Haziran 16, 2024

Women Freedom Forces: Cemre Has Fallen, Spring Is Close

United Freedom Forces fighter Cemre Heval (Eylem Ataş) has been immortalized in combat in the frontmost trenches during the Manbij assault against the gangs.


Eylem Ataş who has fought hand to hand in Siluk Front Internationalist Freedom Battalion, in Tishrin assault and many other military operations, who has become a shield for her comrades in Rojava where she became immortal, is a fighter of Women Freedom Forces.

As a women who has fought the fascists at school and on streets since her childhood on the lands of Adana where she was born and raised she has never refrained herself from being where she had to be. Being a vanguard woman in the struggle in Turkey against the patriarchy, fascism and power, Cemre has perceived carrying her battle outside of the borders that are drawn by the state as a conscientious, humanitarian and a revolutionary duty.

What made Eylem Cemre, what brought her to the lands of Rojava, what pieced together her conscience to her rage is the Heval, Bedrettin of Çukurova. It is the Commander Aziz and Mahir who set an example with his fight, who made people say, “This is how you fight fascism”. It is her comrades who has fallen in Suruç and in Ankara, who put a bullet into the barrels of their gun; it is her people who live under the threat of massacres and who are being massacred every passing day.

Becoming Eylem requires willpower, determination and fearlessness!

She, by coming to Rojava has not chosen an enemy. What she has chosen, what she preferred, what she decided on has only been fighting more and waging the right war. In this open war that is declared against the women, workers, peoples and all the oppressed in the metropolises of İstanbul, she is the most serious demonstration of the only choice that is to take up a weapon with the price that she paid.

Eylem (action) cannot await!

She has not chosen to contemplate over, speak more than the action, condemn from her own seat or to applaud. Bullets fired by her, in just the same as they destroyed the reactionary ISIS thugs, they also have targeted the bosses who suck the blood out of the working class of Turkey, the murderers of women, the child rapists and the ones who try to massacre the Kurdish people.

Eylem is the most sublime demonstration of courage!

Who lacks courage cannot become Eylem! In order to become Eylem, one has to get in the act, one has to do what Eylem has done. Eylem and Sevda comrades have not only become immortalized together in Rojava. But at the same time they have marched the same path of war against the AKP-ISIS fascism that is on rise in Turkey. Raperin Dicle (Sevda Çağdaş) comrade and Eylem Ataş, as being two Turkish women from Turkey are not the sad but the angry fighters of women. In this sense they represent the dignity of the people they came out of. If this dignity can be represented this very day, we owe it to the price paid by these two brave, revolutionary women. The task that they have left for all the revolutionaries and particularly the women of Turkey is neither the mentioning of their names nor ‘the praising’ adjectives before their names. The essential quality of revolutionary women, as well as Sevda and Eylem is being a fighter. The humble task that they have left behind is to gain a victory for the workers, youth, Alevis, Turks, Kurds, Arabs and all the oppressed and the oppressed women.

Sevda and Eylem has shouted out the strengthening of fight against the AKP-ISIS fascism until their last breathes. Either their slogans of victory will become one or the defeat will become inevitable. Women! It is time to become a Sevda, become an Eylem against the AKP-ISIS fascism. Our call is to your hearts, your consciousness’ and to your bodies that create the world that are being tested out with humiliation and all sorts of violence.

The daughter of Yörük mothers on flatlands that ache under the summer sun of Adana;

You are more stubborn than the spring that doesn’t come until you fall on the land,

We can become the flower, the rain, Eylem (the action), the fire, the bullet and bring the spring.

Again to the skies, bring a word from a friend to Sevda and Heval.

We will bring the spring for our immortals. Eylem Ataş is immortal!

Women Freedom Forces